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Hangosta paljastui neuvostokenraalin valtava, toisen maailmansodan aikainen komentokeskus
Kenraali Sergei Kabanov rakennutti itselleen maanalaisen komentokeskuksen Hankoon sen jälkeen, kun Natsi Saksa oli hyökännyt...
Exciting article in SEURA magazine 4.11.2021!
Reporter Hanna Koivisto and photographer Linda Baarman visited us during the autumn dig of general Sergei Kabanovs underground command...
Kabanovs underground command post is massive!
The trial excavations 1.-5.10.2021 have proved that the remains of the underground command post are much larger than anticipated. The...
Going underground
Excavating a large WW2 underground command post is very hard work. On the second day of the dig and after two days of hard work we have...
Excavating General Sergei Kabanovs "luxurious" underground command post.
Was general Sergei Kabanov leading the defence of Hanko from a re-inforced and fortified underground shelter or was the reality possibly...
Hamsterbo revisited 22.-26.9.2021
During the last week of September 2021 we finished the excavations near Hanko Front Museum. A reconstruction of the shelter will now be...
New WW2 Battlefield Archaeology Excavations coming up in Hanko S. Finland in September and October!
New scientific WW2 battlefield archaeology excavations coming up this autumn. The registration fee is only 20 euros for five days (you...
Beautiful finds on day eight of the excavations of Hamsterbo
Today we managed to collect and document all of the finds on the floor level of the shelter. Many nice finds attributable to lieutenant...
A bayonet and the possible cause of fire revealed!
Today was the 7th day of the battlefield archaeology excavation in Hanko. Work continued with the careful excavation of the floor level...
Charred documents attributable to Waffen SS volunteer Ã…ke Kretz recovered in Hanko S. Finland.
Day 6 of the WW2 battlefield archaeology dig in Hanko S. Finland where archaeology students BA Fanny Fagerholm (University of Uppsala)...
Day five of the "Hamsterbo" dig - Drone photography and more amazing finds!
On the fifth day of the excavation we took it very slow and excavated level 2,5 of the shelter. It seems we are approaching the floor...
Two charred backpacks full of finds
After a wonderful evening and calm night in the archipelago it was back to business as usual. The excavation of the burnt down WW2...
A helmet!
The third day of the "Hamsterbo" (Hamsters nest) shelter was a hot one. During the day the temperature rose to over +30 degrees Celsius...
Second World War history frozen in time.
Today was the second day of our ten day long project to excavate and document a burnt down underground shelter on the Hanko front. Hanko...
WW2 Battlefield Archaeology of the Hanko Front. "Excavating the Hamsterbo Shelter" (Day 1/5)
I woke up at 5 AM and took the two hour long drive from Helsinki to Hanko to meet up with "Sjöba" at the Hanko Front Museum. Towards...
Sodan jäljet lähelläsi - Arkeologit etsivät sotavainajia Hangossa
Toisessa maailmansodassa, vuosina 1939-1945 kuoli maailmanlaajuisesti yli 60 miljoonaa ihmistä. Monet omaiset eri maissa eivät vieläkään...
Exclusive opportunity to participate in post excavation work!
Many unique finds were found during the past excavation season of the Hanko 1941 project and now it´s time to clean, sort and identify...
Pedagogic Battlefield and Conflict Archaeology Day
It was a tremendous pleasure to be part of this day when a large group of forty students from Kallion lukio visited the WW2 sites of...
The rebirth of a lost and forgotten WW2 shelter of the Hanko Front
Last summer we successfully located and trial excavated the site of the Hamsters nest ("Hamsterbo") shelter that burned and collapsed...
Facing Violent Death - Communicating Repatriation of WW2 War Dead in Different Medias
What is the ethical justfication of exhuming KIA soldiers in the 21st Century within the EU and elsewhere in the world? Why is this...
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